Biking round Lake Bodensee
Set off in the morning on a Bike ride to Lindau -13 km around the lake. Lindau turned out to be a lovely little port town on an 'island' - road leading to it with painted houses and small streets.
Came back from our bike ride to find lots of vans had left the site and we were able to get a spot right by the bar (and Wifi!) with lots of space so decided to stay another day.
Dave loses his Naturist beach virginity!!
M: I'm afraid I don't have a photo of the actual event but this is the beach! Pebbly so a bit painful on your bits!!
We set off down to the so called beach( by the side of the lake) -as we came thru the trees we noticed everyone was naked! Dave said "In for a penny in for a pound" as by this time it was too late to sunbathe in cozzies so off we stripped - we had the whitest bums on the beach - trying to get in the water on pebbles as the whole beach is looking at you was a challenge!! Dave just kept standing up doing his naturist stance - thrust forward with hands on hips! No point doing a pic now to show you as not the same with clothes on :)
How to have a conversation about your holiday and what you do at home with your bits hanging out and not laughing?!!!
Naked Man: What do you do?
D: I was an electrician..................hmmmmmm...(all he can think of is German sausage!)
That's enough of that......On to Freiburg (with clothes back on) - reached Titisee - another lake - Dave didn't like the sound of the lake and got scared so we didn't stop - even though he loves seeing tits he didn't fancy getting his bits out again!
Swiss Pit Stop
Decided to pop into Switzerland as it was on the way and someone had told us Schaffhausen was a nice city to visit - we got there a bit late in the day though and just saw the Rhine river and some of the city and not over impressed so headed on to Freiburg. Well expensive in Swiss too and got our change in Swiss Francs that we can't spend anywhere else! We did find some wine in a shop that Dave was really impressed with though.
ACDC wine - only thing we found any good in Switzerland!! But way too expensive to buy any!!
Freiburg - We're here!
Turned up late at a site and the Gestapo at the gate said "I zee eef I wil fits zee in - we hav found a small place in zee kindergarten"D: "Fuck Mogs - how am I gonna get in here?!" Or get out?!"
Gestapo had to move all the kids out while Dave drove in - We are in a Kids playground now - squeezed in but we decided we quite like it as we have our own decking area. After a while the kids stopped hanging around - tidy!
Come to Ours - say Ulli and Rita
Our friends have invited us to stay!
so off we went at top speed to their house in Merzhausen on the outskirts of Freiburg......Freiburg tales and more German sausage to follow!!!