Monday 21 May 2012

Plan B!

If we buy a campervan we can start M&D World Tours NOW - googled 'cool campervan' and found Vannie on ebay waiting for her next big adventure!!  2 days later won the auction in last few seconds PHEW!

On the train on the way to the Malverns to buy Vannie!  VERY excited :)

Met great couple - John and Caroline - with great van - bought Vannie!!

Mile down the road time for a beer stop - couldn't start it again - ring technical helpline - John! 

M:- Turn the key Dave ;)
D:- It was bit more than that!  I turned it too far...

Inside the party bus

The plan!  Motha's day prezzy from the girls - gap year lonely planet book :)

It says "make sure you get permission off your mum & dad" yeah right!!  We ARE the parents!!


  1. Love it she looks like a disco on wheels!!

  2. WOW van and plan look amazing! When and where are you going? How long will you be away? You are SO doing the right thing - here's wishing you love, luck, adventures, laughter and learning all the way xxx

  3. Thanks Mal we have a lot to learn!! Off round the UK and europe until a house sells then 'The World'! We'll be away for as long as it takes :) xx
