Sunday 2 September 2012

P45 on the way - We're moving out!

The Move

Back home from London and the signed Tenancy Agreement was on the mat to rent Mogs' house out - time to hand in notice at work!!  We really are off soon!!

A and G got the bubbly out to celebrate and we had a lovely time catching up with Jim, Maria, Will and Ollie who were down in Bude on their annual holiday

It was Maria who noticed Vannie's numberplate when we were showing them the van - P450 SHK !!

Hectic weeks ahead getting ready to move out....

Dave has been on Bude Bargains EVERY night selling stuff - how much more can Owen buy?!!

Rox is off to her new home!

The only sad part about going travelling was saying goodbye to Roxy but she has a fab new home with Shirley, Sara and Mr Pakey - here she is below with her pal.  She will have loads of walks and be spoilt rotten and is already settled in well.

Settled in :)

The Big Swim!

We really should have been cleaning and clearing stuff the Sunday before moving out but had trained for weeks for the mile sea swim from Port Gaverne to Port Isaac - it was a fab day for it and we headed down the coast - both very nervous - Dave's first race and Mogs hates swimming in waves!  It was good to leave the cleaning behind for a day though!
Les and Kirk and Alec and Ames were there to support us - really appreciated them coming - here we are before the swim - Dave isn't breathing in (honest)!

Faster than a Lightening Bolt!

The swim was hard but great fun and we both did brill - Dave 33:06 and Mogs 28:46 - watched the live bands after and had a few well earned beers :)

Next day was MANIC cleaning - luckily we had super cleaners Les and Kirk with their pinnies on!  We were on a deadline to get out of the house as the tenant was arriving lunchtime to move in - we were still moving stuff out as well as cleaning so the policy was if in doubt stick it in Vannie!

So the pics below show Mogs moving out and Mogs moving in!!!

Moving Out!

 Moving In!

Gypsy life is next.........


  1. Omg it's ALL in the van!!!! Wow, no going back now he he. This is it and we wish u all the luck in the world. Have loads of fun and take care oh and see u next week for ur birthday x x

  2. I guess that by this time, you are already settled in your new house and done unpacking. One good technique in packing and unpacking your things is being organized. This way, you can avoid confusion and losing some stuff. Anyway, I hope you’ll have a better and happier life in your new house! :)

    Ericka Muldowney
