Monday 15 July 2013

Austria - We're in the Alps!

Turned the corner and we've arrived at the Alps - real big fuck off Mountains!! ....

Stopped at a campsite and in the evening all the kids came out with these lanterns and a hurdy gurdy guy in leiderhosen and braces with an accordion thing started playing Austrian music and leading them round the site... so we followed..... and followed..... out the site....and followed

3 miles later we came back to the site not knowing what it was all about - and still don't - but it was funny!  All the girls looked like little Heidi's with blonde pigtails!

We're finding it's way more expensive in Austria than Slovenia so trying to stick to the budget - ha!

Waterfall in Malta Valley

Just up the road we found a really cool waterfall - you had to pay 4 euros to go up close so took our pics from Vannie! Everything has a price in Austria! But it did look good and Dave (with his pervy binoculars out!) spotted a guy climbing up the cliff face by the side of the waterfall - scary!

Obervellach - The Hills are Alive...

with the sound of ACDC!

Mog's navigations (with the help of a friendly Austrian man) got us to the next stop - this turned out to be the loveliest place to stay and one night turned into 5!

It was like staying with your gran - the couple that own it are called Gaby and Henk and couldn't be more friendly and helpful - Dave got free ice cream and Mogs got a bottle of wine as a gift. They have places for just 4 campervans and the shower room is better than ours at home! Free wifi, free washing machine, free wine, free ice creams, fresh pineapple and a little swimming pool and all surrounded by lovely scenery and a cow family in the field next door. The bull has the biggest bollox we've ever seen :)

Big Bollox

There was a mummy cow and baby too!

Lovely views each morning and evening - those empty chairs again - where have they gone?!

Gaby and Henk
We went for a few hikes round the area - tried to find a waterfall one day but with Mogs map reading ended up halfway up a mountain and nowhere near any water even!!  Stunning views everywhere though

Here's the link to Gaby and Henk's website - if anyone is in this area of Austria with a camper it's a fab place to stay

White Water Rafting - We are not Afraid!

or maybe just a little bit...

Where we started


We are the power rangers off to brave the wild river!!!

And just before you start they shout 'Let's rock 'n roll!'

It was awesome and we can't wait to do it again but we did have somebody in the raft who had done EVERYTHING - he was the only one who put his hand up at the start when they asked if anyone had rafted - he had rafted in every country imaginable - Australia, Canada, Norway, Iceland, Barbados, Hawaii, and the North He was going rock climbing that afternoon after we finished rafting. When running he does a minimum 10 miles - he was our action hero KEN and his wife Barbie was also rafting. The earlier waterfall photo we think that was Ken climbing up the cliff and when he got to the top he parachuted off then got on his bike and cycled 20 miles back to the campsite ready for a relaxing 60 lengths of the pool.

We weren't like Ken but we did only fall in a couple of times on the rafting - it was hard work and we sat with a few beers after rather than climb a mountain.


We met a lovely Dutch couple Tim and Marian - I think deep down Tim wanted to be Ken and Barbie - action man - but he didn't quite live up to the mark as he is a bit of a pussi (he'll read this and like that!). He tried to be Ken rafting down the river Moll and also he was not they are outside their Van - we had some good times drinking with them. For those who are not sure, Dave says the pussi is on the left. haha...maybe we won't be invited to Amsterdam now for a holiday lol :) Dave says in future we may not give out our blog address and then we can write about people whatever we want!!!

We have decided we must leave tomorrow or we will be here forever so we are off to the Grossglockner High Alpine Road - the most scenic road in Austria, although we have just been given a plate full of fresh pineapple to go with our wine so you never know...


  1. Loving ur blogs as per normal!
    Can't believe there's another pussi

  2. I think it's you two, ur Ken and Barbie, u just don't wanna show any of us up as ur now Mr and Mrs Fitpants! Ur photos are great, wot amazing scenery and u sure are meeting some lovely interesting people! Have fun. Great blog xxx

