Monday 22 July 2013

Brakes on Fire!!

Grossglockner High Alpine Road

We did a detour off the motorways and decided to go along the most stunning Alpine road in Europe by the Grossglockner mountain – Austria’s highest mountain – 3798m up in the air – we are up in the snow and clouds but still really hot!

Up in the sky!

A lovely Dutch couple we met at our last site had said it was the highlight of their trip so we were really looking forward to it. Luckily it was a fab day with bright skies when we said bye to Henk and Gaby.  Off to the snow!!

The road is in the Hohe Tauern National Park and well worth seeing if anyone is in that area. Gaby had told us they have Marmots there – animals in the mountains – I think her German accent made Mogs think they were woolly mammoths from the Ice Age!! We saw a few at the highest point but they were like little racoony things and quite small but cute!

We walked to the Glacier – it was weird - some parts were like being on the moon! And it was so hot even that high up!!

Then it was time to go even further up (AaaHHHH says Mogs) – there was even a lake high up in the mountains

Vannie in the Snow

Time for a Snowball Fight in July :)

On top of the Alps!!

Then time to head back down the mountains - how cool is this road?!! We even saw people cycling from the bottom right up to the highest point - impressed!

Dave wants his bike for this road!!

Down the windiest steepest road ever and Vannie started smoking!! There were signs everywhere to check your brakes! SHIT we better stop! As we pulled in the van wouldn’t stop – Mogs panicking! Stopped just on the gravel and we got out to find smoke coming out of both front wheels – SCARY!! Not sure a rescue van would get out here! Better have a wine and beer stop to let the brakes cool down! M is now in major panic mode having already been scared of the road and worried the brakes may now fail!!!

Stop by a waterfall for the brakes to cool!

Off again!

30 mins later and we’re off and stopping every now and then to check brakes – made it to the bottom – PHEW!

Awesome road though, breath-taking scenery and worth the worry (for Mogs) and scary driving!

We are on a site with the quickest Wifi ever so have been able to upload 3 videos.

Video of the road down that burnt the brakes!

On top of the Alps!

Mogs trying to video the scary road!

Down from the mountains and a couple of rums to steady our nerves and we're off again through Austria!!


  1. That looks well scarey! Well impressed with Mogsy - I thought she would have bailed :-) Annie x

  2. Grrr my blog didnt publish? Anyway, in a nutshell I was gonna say the same as Annie, but where would she go, no nudist beaches close no bars! x
