Thursday 1 November 2012

60 Shades of Grey!

Cabo de Gata site - Everyone here is grey and over 60!!

They've all just come from the garden centre and are now planting their plants on their patch in El Dorado - it's like bungalow city here but we fogot to take a pic oops!  To be in with the 'in crowd' you have to know how to talk the language.

  • Don't mention the 'W' or 'J' word - work or job - they walk away
  • Must pretend to have a garden with pots and candles
  • Make it look like santa's grotto without snow - they do all look like Santa!
  • GADGET MAN - you must have a different gadget on show every morning for everyone to see - the guy across from us had his 38 inch TV out one morning, then following day out came the blender, then the hammock came out - look at me!
  • All the shades of grey have been there, done it and you must go there!!!!!  So we're going.....

Vannie Wave

Vannie wave? Just like there's a builder wave and a motorbike nod, apparently there is a Motorhome Wave - you have to get it right Dave says but knowing who's British, whos' German, who's French is hard but comes with experience!!! We are perfecting the Vannie Wave..... it's hold your right hand up for approximately 4 seconds like a royal wave but more of a hitler salute....hand out straight at 45 degrees - it's called the Vannie Wave - will video it next time...

Video - driving through France - only just been able to upload this - it was a while back whilst driving through rural France

Stayed 5 nights at Cabo de Gata campsite with the 60 shades :) Pretty chilled and cheap!!

Shirl's windbreak comes in handy

Bike Ride - We went down the road to nowhere and headed for the hills!!
Bike ride with Mogs crap navigation again!!  This is way high up and the cycle ride didn't start for 10 miles - Mogs read map wrong...oops... so we headed home!

Area not as pretty as we thought it would be but we're not right in the middle of the national park - only the edge.  Time to move out and further down the coast to Almeria and a site that is right on the beach...


  1. As always, loving the blog! Looking forward to seeing the "wave". I've now perfected my pt cruiser wave. Weather looks good there! Av fun u two! Roxy sends a woof wag n slurp x

    1. Hi Booty! We'll be able to see your cruiser wave once you get your webcam and we 'chat' again!! Tell Rox we loved her woofy waggy slurp! x

  2. Your stove is clearly gettin good use. Hope vannie still going well. Enjoy lovelies xxx

    1. All going well - bit of a trauma in the night when we woke up to an almighty crash - awning broke! Party last night - musician tour started. Will be in the next blog...... xx

  3. Ps. Thought u meant Don't mention the War!! I'm sure u will out gadget the wrinklies ha xx

  4. Hi U 2
    I didnt realise how to open yr latest blog. Now I do. But this thing wont reply . Now I have got it. I have to go to preview and then into my Googlee account. Pissin down here and frezzin.

  5. Hi again,
    Just trying this again as it looks like I have sussed it.

  6. Hi one more time,
    Nearly reddy for my Barbados trip. Johnny Inniss tells me he hopes to meet me at the airport, but he might be in surgery. I wonder wots the matter with him.
    If you do go back to Calpe go and have a look at where we had the apartment at Mary Sol. Going North along the main road you turn left by the salt flats. I bet its all been re developed by now. It was falling down in there in 1999.
    Tucker is a fine little fellow. Daddeee.
