Wednesday 7 November 2012

Wot a Pitch!!

Camping La Garrofa - Almeria


Click above to enlarge and see where we are!


Prime spot by the beach with a private patio! But when we got there we were 3 pitches back and Dave said “I want that one”…..met up with Nancy and John (who were in the best pitch!), Janis and Al – great night with the usual gallons of wine and beer - Nancy can drink so much more wine than Mogs!!

Not the most flattering pic of M&D but the only one we have with Nancy & John in!! 

Nancy & John were leaving the next morning and so the prime spot would be free – time for M&D to get up earlier than usual and beat the Germans to the beachfront pitch J  M was there with the towels (tables and chairs!) before any German had even thought about it and before John had even moved his van out….she was sat in the patio area!

video - our new home (tried to load but it won't go - will try later!!)


 We took the bus into town - After being in the desert Almeria city is very full (as an egg – JD’s expression) – we still have our flipflops on – look real tourists – some scary people here – D: “watch your bag Mogs!”

 On Sue’s advice we were on a mission to find an art pad for D but the shop was shut till 5pm - What to do for 2 hours while we wait for the art shop to open???  Bar…bottle of wine…tapas….

 After all the wine, D now has a smock and an easel – D: where’s me fucking beret?!  M: that’s French Dave!

On the bus home in the dark – D: “What’s stop in Spanish Mogs?!”

 D runs to the front – Stopio Stopio!! Nowo!

 Too late – driver says ‘woopsio’ – ah fucko – missed stop – will we ever get off?
Went all way to the next town, driver wrote on tickets we didn’t need to pay to get back – crossed road – bus arrived – told us it turned round there and didn’t go to campsite – waited for another one – on that one we pressed stop button too early!! Angry driver and Spanish people – finally got off at right stop – this bus travelling in Spain is hard work!!!!


Historical and Artistic Moments

 The Castle – La Alcazaba


 Visited the medieval castle in Almeria one morning – we thought we hadn’t done very much sightseeing and for the historical people reading the blog here are some historical pictures

D in front of a historical building

M in front or a historical building very high up

More historical moments

We now feel our blog is a lot more intellectual and getting close to Annie’s blogging standard – Annie is fab at blogging! 

 Historical moment over – back to basics and headed for the bar – D loved his mini chopper?!
 Janis and Al friends round for a BBQ on our patio!

beers started – we toasted Dan’s 21st bday – Mog’s nephew – wine beer wine beer wine beer….

 5am – BANG!  D: where’s the fucking awning Mogs?!

M: on the roof!!

SHIT – next morning…….

storm damage the morning after

Boys with toys and drills… fixing stuff

Artistic moments – chilling out

 The artist at work again


Another musician on tour

 Had a great week – booked for a night or 2 and stayed a week – loved waking up to the sunrise over the sea every morning and Vannie right on the beach - Great to meet Janis and Al - great company for the week – hope our paths cross again on the tour!!

 If not we’ll be round for a roast next time we’re in the Lakes – Cuurkbee Lonnsdayle – thanks mum!!!
weather changed a bit today but forecast good again for the weekend J

 Tues 6 Nov – went back to Mojacar for a few days as guests still in flat till Saturday – arrived at El Dorado City…..



  1. What a funny blog! Great way to start my long day with a laugh!

  2. Look forward to some funny pics in that smock (hoping ;-) )
    You both look so relaxed. Lovely.

  3. Scorchio!! Bueno pitchio! Great blog and pics, little bit too intellectual for me but looks nice! Shame the Skype thing has such a delay but really good to see and hear u both. So will we get to see the next Van Dave masterpiece a la playa del Almeria. Oo varvo xxx
