Thursday 15 November 2012

El Dorado City!

New Toys

We are like the toys in Toy Story III who arrive at Sunny Side Day Centre (guess what we watched last night!!).  We thought we had been to El Dorado till we got to Camping Los Gallardos just outside Mojacar.  Rows of caravans and bungalows all with their own gardens and gadgets!  Most of them with Brits living there all year – we were pounced on as the new arrivals….

While washing her underwear in the wash room in comes Colin – what’s your name? how old are you? Are you playing the games tonight? By games we found out he meant pool, darts or dominoes!  We are on a proper hi di hi campsite with full on entertainment….

You thought Elvis was dead…he’s not and apparently he lives in Mojacar!!!  And plays here every week….aaaa Rrrrrrrrrrrr hhhhhhahaha  rrrrrrrrr hhhaahhaaa - meant to be our Elvis impression!!!

Elvis is still in the building!  Shirl book your flight!  We think you'd like him??

A few pics of the residents….

Some have artificial grass by their pitch!

and a pic of our pitch – our one broken chair and table don’t look quite so good! 
Someone even used it as a parking spot one day


We had a laugh here though for 4 nights till the flat was free – even went to Bingo – highlight – Bingo guy shouted out “Dirty Girty Number 30” – D shouted ‘Slapper’!! Gave the old girls a giggle…

We did have a recording of the ‘Bingo’ song but deleted it by mistake so here’s one of the bands playing on the night later on - you can spot us a mile off - we are 2 foot taller than anyone else!!

Weather a bit up and down at the moment but it’s time to head back to the flat now (Sat 10 Nov) as the Irish couple in there leave today –

Mojacar old town on the hill on way back to the apartment
the apartment is by the beach but we'll visit the old town and take some pics as it's lovely

 What Time is it????


But really what time is it??

No really??

What time is it?

While checking our flights back to UK for a week at xmas they didn’t tally up with timings – we had to google ‘what time is it in England now?’

And then googled ‘did the clocks go back in Spain?’  THEY DID – Oops….we never realised!

We have just spent the last 2 weeks thinking England was 2 hours behind us and not realised we gained an hour!!!!!!

Our phones change automatically and our clock in the van looks cool but is forever falling down and doesn’t tell the time properly! We must be so chilled that we don’t know the right time J

 Oh no it’s the Boat Man!

 About to have brekkie and D's phone goes….

"Oh no it’s the Boat Man" comes up as the incoming call….D sold his boat and put the guy’s names as that on phone – hoping we didn’t hear from him with problems…luckily a minor problem and it hasn’t sunk yet!!

Will be in the apartment for the winter until the World Tour continues in the spring - will blog now and again to let you know what’s going on so keep watching!!


  1. Ha ha who cares wot the time is!! Until ur flight goes! We visited a similar campsite near Sydney, bit scary but then they turned out very friendly and helpful despite the wife beater vests and enormous dog, they gave us a hose adaptor. Maybe they felt sorry for us in our little van ferrying bottles of water from the tap. The bingo sounds a rite laugh, I got all excited thinking I was gona see Elvis but all I get is PSY gangnam style, I must be doin sumthin wrong?! Off to Exeter station today with dad, wish we cud swap! Gorgeous sunny weather today but a frost. Catch up later on Skype maybe. Loadsa love to u both xxx

  2. Hi u two hope ur ok. Bet ur not missing the weather here, storms floods heavy winds and today a frost, bbbrrrrrrrrrr !!! Speak soon xxxx
