Sunday 2 December 2012

To Do Lists

We are becoming like our friend Annie and have had to make lists to remember to do things - it feels so much better to tick boxes - here's our current list:

Get up before 11 am     TICK
Read book                    TICK
Play guitar                    TICK
Go for a run                  TICK
Drawing                        TICK
Bike to old town            TICK
Find a hairdresser         TICK
Food Shopping              Ongoing
Clean Vannie                 Not ticked yet

And now a bit of planning


Our Asci books/camping card arrived - discount camp sites...

We're starting to plan our route for next year - D says: 'Follow the F1' - M says: 'Where's the Marathons?'!!

So F1 tickets booked for Monaco on 26th May and Madrid Marathon booked for 28th April...Mogs is in training for the Marathon and buying ear plugs for the Grand Prix!

May have to come back to UK early May to get Vannie MOT'd and then head to Monte Carlo :)

Mogs has also entered the Alicante Half Marathon on 20 January so training started with Dave cycling - luckily we still have fab weather with blue skies and sun - cold in the evenings though - we've had to get socks out!!

Training Run on the cliff path in Mojacar near the beach

Can just spot Mogs running
D training with M


Tough Cycle to the Old Town

Lovely day for a bike ride - sea was well flat - went to Mojacar old town - pretty cobbled streets - but LONG way up on a bike!!!  We're getting thighs like Chris Hoy :)

View from the top

You've Got Mail....NOT!

When we first got to the apartment we bought a new postbox and put it up by the front door - MISTAKE!  We've since found out postmen in Spain don't walk upstairs and we are on the first floor!  So box now moved to corner of road at bottom of hill with a few others and we're hoping for mail.  If you want to try and send any our address is:

21 Jardines de Indalo
Calle Blasco Ibanez
Mojacar Playa

Ours is the posh one that stands out...of course!


We've found a bar that has live music on a Sunday late afternoon - fab singer - it's just like Apres-Ski without having to do the ski-ing beforehand (says Mogs who loved the apres-ski earlier this year but not the ski-ing!!)  Will try and put a video on here next time ....

Super Quiz Team!

We were making up a quiz for Mog's daughter Kerry's 21st birthday back in UK on 23 November - so we could be a part of the 'Ford Fun Day' the family were having.  So we headed to a local quiz with friends Fran, Steve, Kate, Sophie and Brigid to get some ideas - we won :)  Feeling confident we went again the next week but came bottom of everyone but the losers get a bottle of wine so not all bad!!  We all toasted Kez and wished her Happy Birthday from sunny Spain :)

Did the Earth Move for you this morning?

M: "I thought it was Dave farting!"

Apparently we had an earthquake earlier this morning...

We have an exciting week coming up - D has just booked to have a tattoo done on his lower arm - EEEKKKKKK!!!  Apparently it will take about 5 hours - Mogs will be there to offer support of course but is more worried about driving Vannie home after as he probably won't be able to drive!!  Watch out for the next blog and a pic of the artwork...shall  we video it being done?!!


  1. What stunning photos, it looks great, your so lucky, here I am sat in front a burning fire, the pool froze over yesterday!! Sounds like a good plan, Monte Carlo and Monaco, your both so cosmopolitan he he!! Well, i am officially now a blogspert thanks to you Dave!! I like the list, Vannie not done though, mmm, need to get the duster out! I nearly bought you a mini xmas tree today but of course your flying over. Yes I guessed that was your post box, ha!I take it you are expecting xmas cards now ?? Better get shopping! A tattoo!! Well, surely you will both get one? Cant wait to see it. Oh and Dave you gone all skinny, must be all these steep hills! Have fun guys, loadsa love xxx

  2. Love the to do list - I could learn a thing or two from that ;-). The runs look great what fab paths to be running along. Good luck with the tatoo Dave or should I say good luck with the drive home! Good to skype today. Miss you x
