Saturday 6 October 2012

Derbyshire Tour - Upe theerrr!

10 September we arrived upe theerrr!

Dave's Birthday – 12 Sept – all Dave wanted to do was fill his box and go to the cinema so we did!  Steve and Dave went to Total Recall and Mogs and Aud treated ourselves to the luxury director’s box and watched the Anna Karenina film – very good but bit of a history lesson!!  Mogs loved the wine waitress service during the film J

Birthday Boy fills his box!!

Next a trip to the Peak District and our tour guide Steve gave us all the info on dark and light peaks – yep we do remember Steve!!!  Fab scenery and a great day

Aud and Steve have a resident wild pet they're trying to get rid of - sitting having a quiet wine Mogs looked out and saw the RAT climbing the bird table!!!  EEk!!  Time for the Rat Shooter to get his gun out......

Rat Shooter!!

Pub Challenge – on the Saturday 9 of us headed off on the Hulland Ward pub challenge – 18 miles walking and 5 pubs on the way – 10 am start and 7.30 at last pub – fab day with lovely scenery and everyone was impressed D made it without moaning J

End of the pub challenge - taxi home 3 hours later!!

Great time up in Derbyshire and Eth arrived on the Friday ready to get settled in college for his Music Technology course – when we dropped him in Nottingham and saw all the young fit girls staying in his Halls Dave and Steve wanted to stay and take up Music Tech too!!!!

Thanks Aud and Steve for a lovely time and look forward to seeing you in Europe in your new Vannie – here she is!

The Time Machine!

Time for the gypsies to head back to Devon for an overnight stop with our super mechanic buddy Russ

Fab to see Russ who made us really welcome and took us to the pub for dinner – we didn’t complain!

Russ's Pad

Dinner at the Black Horse - Torrington
Back then to Devon and our second home at Seany’s J

1 comment:

  1. Liking the rat shooter, not sure rat shooter in the time machine is a good combination ha!!
