Sunday 7 October 2012

G and A's Big Day

22 Sept - It had finally arrived - the Wedding of the Year – although Vannie wasn’t there as still in bits in the garage and waiting for parts to arrive from USA we wanted to include this in the blog as it was a very special day for us all.

We had the practice the day before and when Annie’s pageboy was practising ringing a handbell for the ceremony the end kept coming off – yep the bell end ;)  Dave was straight on his phone and found a ‘bell app’ as a back up in case this happened on the big day!!! Cool!

The whole day went so well and Mogs loved all the bridesmaid prep at Northcott House – Annie looked stunning and G had tears in his eyes – we saw them G!!!  Very proud moment too for M as daughters Sam and Kez were Maitre D’s and made sure the whole day ran smoothly – they did a great job!

Must mention G & A getting everyone a taxi at the end of the night but not one for themselves so Annie had to put on her hoody and flipflops and hitch up her wedding dress (the second one she wore that day having bought 4!!) and they hiked over the cliffs from Northcott to Bude to their wedding night hotel in the mud! J  Well funny!!

A perfect day for a very special couple

1 comment:

  1. So glad you could both be there to celebrate with us xx
