Sunday 7 October 2012

Going Going.... Gone!

Going Going …. Gone!

25 Sept and we are now just waiting for Vannie’s bits to arrive!!!

Not sure how long we’re going to be away for so spending a week seeing people and saying goodbye!  Way too many drinks and meals out but fab to see everyone – healthy French diet on the way…..??!!

Here’s the week …..

Called in at Kate and Benji’s for a goodbye cuppa and to check their LARGE TV screen was working ok!  Then back to Seany’s

Lunch at the Rydon Inn Holsworthy with Andy Squirrel and Debs on Andy's birthday.  Then back to Seany’s

Goodbye meal at Sagor – Launceston Indian with grandad, Les, Koik, Lauren, Alec (birthday boy) and Ames – lovely curry – thanks Grandad!!
Then back to Seany’s

Friday 28 Sept – VANNIE IS FIXED!!!  Woooo we can book our ferry – Brittany Ferries on strike but found a Condor crossing via Guernsey - not back to Seany's!!!

Friday eve – farewell drinks at the Bay View in Bude with lots of friends and family- thanks to everyone who came and wished us a good trip – D’s rum king came out and we only have a pre-evening pic for the blog as M was also on the red stuff (pissed!)  Spent night in Bay View car park in Vannie - next day not much happened J

Mogs and Seany before the drinking began - bit cold!

Saturday D sold his boat – D:  all I can say is he never asked the right questions like “ has it ever sunk before?”  Stupid boy!!

Sunday and it was a teary goodbye to Sean as we went off to grandad’s for the shipping forecast

Bye and big cheese to Seany!

Grandad: Shipping forecast – Force 7 Swell High – could be golightly sick everywhere! 

After all the hic-cups we are finally OFF!!!!!

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