Sunday 7 October 2012

The Adventure Begins!

The Adventure Begins!

1 October – After sleeping in a pub carpark (The Pilot, Poole) we arrived at Poole Harbour 3.45 am for the crossing from Poole to St Malo via Guernsey – ferryman asked Mogs: Where are you going?

M: Poole!!!  Way too early for M J

Then round the corner to get on the ferry: -

D: That’s not right – it’s going to the Channel Islands….

M: We ARE going to the Channel Islands!!!

2 blonde moments to start the day!!

Bye bye England!

Setting off and harbourmaster pilot who we saw jumping back to his boat

Well rough crossing – lots of sick golightly’s (grandad’s prediction was right!) but got to Guernsey and straight to cousin Pete at his fruit and veg wholesalers – good to catch up with him and he gave us a huge box full of food – thanks Pete!  We won’t need to shop for ages!!

Off on the next ferry to France and Vannie is front of the queue to drive off – even had a compliment from the French ferryman on how well D drove onto the ferry – M’s turn to drive in France – where will we end up?  Ditch??!!

Mogs is catching up with this blogging thing while on the ferry – ready to upload when we have free WiFi – with a wine of course – we are now European Globetrotters forever on the lookout for free WiFi!!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blogging globetrotter. Looking forward to more. Sounds like the crossing was a bit rough eeew but ur there now yaaay!!! I am envious about the wine! Great to hear u yesterday on my birthday thanks, Mogs in background telling me all about the vino he he! Will the time machine meet up with vannie! That wud be fun. Kirk says big trees. Have fun. Lotsa love us 3 xxx
