Sunday 14 October 2012

Platja d'Aro - Costa Brava

Platja d'Aro

Long drive - Crossed the border into Spain

 Spanish Border - will they let us in?
Dave says 4 inches may not seem a lot but it is on a map!  We’re doing LOADS of driving or D is while M navigates J
We arrived at the Costa Brava – parked in road by beach – not one of Dave’s best ideas as you will see!!  Stayed the night in road – no loos but a shower on beach and had a good swim early morning

Dodgy place to park?!

Tried to load pics of us swimming but won't load - we did go in!

26 degrees and rising :)

No loos leads to this….

Avoiding your Poo!

And beating the Germans!

If you’re squirmish and don’t do toilet talk ignore the next 2 paras or read on!!!!

When pooing in spain:

When you’re wild camping and no toilet one of the best things in Europe is the Mediterranean – if you’re caught short go for a swim and plop one out.

Rules of engagement –
1/ Check tide
2/ Take off speedos coz when you poo u wee
3/ Tilt at 45 degrees but not too high so sunbathers can’t see you
4/ Always keep mouth shut (just in case of big wave)

D:  I thought I had all this under control until I saw a bit floating  behind me so I took off at 10 o clock and thought I’d got away with it when a big german stood up on the beach looked at me and came towards the sea
Fuck im in trouble - he came wading in and dived in right near my floaters – obviously not seen them
I thought England 1 Germany 0 and swam off into the distant sun
Note: make sure u get out of sea hundred yards up tide coz of the seagull trail left behind (they love it!!!) we watched it float down!!

Take 2 on the Poo Trail

In a campervan carpark with vannies but no toilet – Mogs had found out when pooing on wasteland make sure:

1: have enough toilet roll
2: wet wipes to hand
3: nobodies watching
4: don’t’tread in anyone else’s poo
5: don’t let anyone else see you come out and clap!!!

Don't try this at home!

Where’s Me Fucking Bike?

Where’s Me Fucking Bike Mogs?  Some Ibbidy eye’s nicked it


It was there at 2pm – back to van at 5.30pm and where’s it fucking gone?!  Padlock cut through with wire cutters…

Down to cop shop fill in form….what’s it worth they ask? 3 times what I paid lol
£300 – maybe make some money?  Have since found out insurance doesn’t cover it L  Oh well – just a bike – but it’s D’s bike!!  They didn’t want Mogsy’s racing bike!

Police recommended we stay at a free campervan park down the road – lots of vannies there – met Mike who told us ‘safety in numbers’ – we are like gazelles!!  He gave us loads of tips on vanning and where to go – cool.  Safe place below with Mike's van in the background.  Spot the one bike :(

Time to move away from this part of Spain – taught us a lesson to be a bit less Cornish/Devonish and be bit more safety aware!  Fucking Spanish!!

Heading down the coast to Sitges where Dave went 30 years ago….


  1. Ha ha, we were crying with laughter!! The bit about check the tide and keep ur mouth shut!! We cud just imagine it all. But hey, karma, we are sure the German was the bastard that nicked ur bike. Ve knows vat ze floata is now in ze safe hans of ze Germans!!! Top blog so far!! Enjoy and keep wearing that pink shirt, in groups of course! Xxx

  2. That is so funny, but so gross. Reminds me of Kevin & Perry Go Large.....PMSL.
