Saturday 20 October 2012

Mid Life Crisis European Tour Part 2

SITGES - the Gay Capital of Europe

Our gay friends would love it!

Took scenic route to get there – VERY hairpin bendy then down into town – found a good site but just made use of leccy and chilled – Mogs ran in morning and D was on the racing bike – not used to pedal clips M looked round and saw him in the middle of the road fallen off and with a puncture… injuries and the car behind stopped – phew!  So looking back it was quite funny…says M who did try really hard not to laugh at the time ;)

Sitges beach and sea front lovely but was time to move on - no time for beach pics I’m afraid but would def go back there –  it’s one of the gay centres of Europe – we did notice that when having coffee and a sarnie whilst looking round the town – felt a bit out of place and Dave felt a bit scared!!!  (Pussi)
We have a pic that won't load of D outside the van with the mozzy net Kate and Benji gave us all set up - a mozzy managed to get in the van - maybe due to Mogs leaving a window open when she thought she was closing it - and there were now 3 of us living in the van that night - M, D and a hungry mozzy!! We called it Mogsy's mozzy and D spent most of the night trying to kill it - only M got covered in bites though!

Down the coast to north of Valencia – Marina D’Or where Dave had been earlier this year on his mid life crisis European tour 2012 with the 4 other guys - Russ, Andy, Spud and Steve.  Played ‘spot the tart’ en route – in this part of spain (and probably everywhere else) they sit or stand by the road all dressed up looking for action!!  We didn’t stop but D wanted to take a photo ;)

Marina D’Or is lovely – campsites well busy but town pretty quiet now – great site with pool and nice MOSAICS

Marina D'Or at night

For Andy

Sunrise - Vannie was parked right on beach at end of site
Storm brewing by lunchtime Friday (12 Oct) – when it rains in Spain it rains!!  Met some fellow UK campers here – we are now proper campervan people and know geeky things like you need to cover your tyres in the heat to stop them bursting!!  Tidy…
We have also now ordered a geeky card for a camping club that gives us cheap fees J  D is also going to find out more about having a satellite dish – tidy again…

Saturday morning (13 Oct) we left Marina D'Or and headed for Moraira and Sally's 50th pary....


  1. Have a great time at the party sounds cool. Funny about the bike fall and M trying not to laugh he he! We have been watching the weather, but cooler but still lovely yea. Meeting up with Aud, Steve, the gang for Eths birthday moro should be lovely. Not seen them all in ages. Have fun and take care. Loads of love xxxx

  2. Ps liking the shopping photo!!!! Going to dads moro to fun that orange thing xxx

  3. Loved reading the blog feel like you are truely on tour now. G says Dave's not having much luck with bikes xz

  4. Good to see you shopping for booze in the only way we knew how
